D-Link - TechSupport D-Link is the global leader in connectivity for small, medium and large enterprise business networking. The company is an award-winning designer, developer and manufacturer of networking, broadband, digital electronics, voice and data communications solut
D-Link DIR-524 150M N router 上不了facebook - Microsoft Community 幾天前家裏的router壞了, 我就買了個 D-Link DIR-524 150M N router, 晚上安裝了, 只測試過可以上網, 但第二天上午都可以上到facebook, 下午就上不了. 個login 版面都無法顯示.... 還有yahoo email login 後也不能顯示.... 不知是否router setting 問題... 請指教... 謝謝...
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